Jimmy Sites on "End Of The Spear" Movie
Jimmy Sites was Senior Minister for the Madison church for some time and now has his own TV show, "Spiritual Outdoor Adventures" which has 22 airings weekly and a potential viewing audience of over 64 million. Presently Jimmy is a part of the ministry team at New River Fellowship. Jimmy is very familiar with the movie, End of the Spear, and its back ground. Here is a response to an email I sent to our Church E-mail group from Jimmy.
My family and I had the priviledge of living for a few days with the Waudoni tribe in the Amazon Jungle this past Spring while I was producing and filming the one-hour documentary that will air in conjunction with the "End of the Spear" movie. There will also be two SOA specials showcasing our adventure with this Stone Age tribe.
Lee is right . . . this is the most amazing story of forgiveness and grace that I have ever known of since the first century. This is a "must see" movie. Four of the five killers of the missionaries are still alive and were in camp with us. Two of them slept in our longhouse with us. They are now incredible Christian men and elders of the Waudoni church in the jungle.
Steve Saint led us into the jungle. You will see the real Steve Saint and the real Mincaye (the man that killed Steve's dad and now IS Steve's adopted dad) in the credits. Also, in the scene of Rachel Saint's funeral, two of the original killers (Huey and Chemo) are used as actors. You will not see what really happened as they were preparing to film the scene. Huey came in and saw the actress that looked like Rachel Saint in the casket. He began to cry and pray and priase God and this went on for 30 minutes. The director didn't stop it (it cost the film company about $20,000 to let him do this). Once he finished, they shot the scene. Huey and Chemo are in it. Watch for them. They are about 80 years old now, but look more like 50.
I have many more amazing stories and cool stuff I brought back from the jungle including spears, blow guns, etc. Would love to share the stories with you sometime.
Jimmy Sites
So, be sure to check your local movie listings for theaters and showing times beginning this Friday the 20th.!
Jimmy Sites is fake. Ask many who have known him for years.
Ditto....Jimmy Sites is someone who is using God as a way to make money. I have no respect for him. I have know him since Jr. High School. He is the son of a very good preacher but he has left the way of which he was taught. It's a sad testamony to Carol and Sarah Sites...
Well if he is fake, God is pretty awesome. God is still using Jimmy to point people to Jesus Christ. The ONLY way to the father is by Jesus Christ. Twenty-six put their trust in God's son tonight after Jimmy's message. The best decision anyone could ever make. He who puts his trust in the Lord will never be disappointed. Psalm 34:22
Romans 3:8 "And why not say (as we are slanderously reported and as some claim that we say), "Let us do evil that good may come"? Their condemnation is just." Can a person be right with God if they are taught wrong? Can a person be on the right path if they follow a person in the wrong way? Let the Bible be your guide and let God be the judge of a man's work (1 Cor. 3:13).
Jimmy Sites is fake?? Ask many who have known him for years? My name is Mason Kelso and I have known Jimmy Sites personally for 23 years and he is the strongest man of God I have ever met. Stay anonymous. God knows who you are.
leviticus 11-8 says the swine has cloven hooves,but does not chew the cud & therefor unclean,but i just saw the man of faith ingnore that on his bacon &sausage hunt today.
It is written Judge Not Lest you be judged and he who is without sin cast the first stone. I dont Know Jimmy but he professes his faith in Jesus Christ The son of God and does this openly for millions to see he is my brother in Christ.
I don't know J.S. at all except through his TV program. I will say though that I believe he is a true Christian and a Godly man. I know you can expect many naysayers but God knows each person for what each person truly is. I hope all that J.S. is and does always glorifies our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. My prayers are with him and all of you who also claim to know him and our Savior.
Let me clarify your thoughts. I'm not a fake, but I definitely am a sinner in need of God's grace. Were it not for the blood of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour, I would be hell-bound. But I'm on my way to heaven because He loves me as I am. And He loves me so much that He is not going to let me stay the way i am. He is growing me every day, and I have a long way to go. His love is so amazing to me that I want to share it with as many people as I can, in whatever way I can. Sometimes I mess that up, sometimes I get it right. So I'll just keep hanging my hat on God's love and grace and just focus on what He thinks of me. He loves me, in spite of myself. That's good enough for me.
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