Bye Bye Blogger
My track record with blog locations has not been that good. My first had a lot of traffic, was easy to work with, had a lot of support; it was just ideal! Then came the notice that they were no longer going to offer blog service and said I could transfer all my information to this new pay site, only 8.95 per month. It looked the same, worked the same, had the same amount of help and was supposed to be a different company - NOT! Just a bait and switch - I hate that!
Blogger was next. The support was the pits, but it seemed to work well. It was used by many of the blogers I read, so I switched to Blogger. Hey, it was free, why not. That was in November of 2005. If I was more familiar with HTML language, and more computer savvy in general, I would probably stick with Blogger through their growing pains, but that is not my temperament, so I am off to my new site at
I have archive links on the new site to material here, in the event you would want to go back and get a past post or look for information. is fairly easy to work with, the lay out and side columns are much easier to change and add to. It can be easily upgraded and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to do so. All in all I think it will work fine - for now. (-:
So don’t forget to change your bookmarks or do what ever you do to keep up with your favorite locations.
OH, I almost forgot! Here is the Link: Rabboni Hope to see you there!
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