I Never Watch Soccer...
I never watch Soccer. That is until yesterday when I tuned in to the final match of The World Cup, just in time to see the infamous head butt. What a dirty shot! I am glad France lost. There I said it and now I will go back to never watching Scocer. Mike Cope shared some lessons learned from watching Soccer with his sons yesterday. 1. Reports of religion being out of favor in Europe are incorrect. It’s just that soccer is the religion. 2. Remember what you learned in kindergarten: no head-butting. Especially if a billion people are watching. It’s considered rude. 3. A 2-hour game can come down to about an inch — that must be about how much lower the ball hit on the crossbar early in the game for France (when it came down across the line as a goal) than it did in the shootout (when it come down on the line). 4. When watching the World Cup Final with teenage boys who actually play soccer and love soccer, do not try to make insightful comments. You only look like an idiot who ought to stick to coaching baseball. ********************************************* Patrick Meads post from Friday the 7th is a must read. Here is just a short burb from one of his best yet! "We sit in worship with people who look like us, who like the things we like, and with whom we are comfortable. Outside are single mothers, rockers, slackers, addicts, the divorced, the slaves of consumerism, gray minions of corporate America, skateboarders and.... you get the idea. None of them will ever feel comfortable with our ways or in our buildings. In those rare instances in which they want to be a part of us, we force them to become us first! They have to be more like us, agree with our preferences, and behave themselves.... then and only then are they allowed access to the Kingdom.That's not okay with me." Read the rest, it is excellent.
I'm not an avid soccer fan... but I love the sense of a sporting event that the WHOLE WORLD is participating in. The crowd gets so wild! I watched for awhile... It had been a very long time since Portugal had gotten that far, so I was enjoying that. Missed the head butt though!
The only soccer I watch is when one of my grandkids is playing, we did see some of the game at the restuarant where we were eating after church. missed the head butt, but saw a bunch of butt heads.
I apprecaite your comments on my blog and letting me know about Patrick Mead's blog. It was helpful.
I enjoyed reading your blog. I will be frequenting it. Lookforward to reading more of your posts.
Oh, I love soccer. I am so glad too that France lost.
Thanks again Lee and God bless.
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