The Great Reign Robbery
The religious world’s view of eschatology, (last things), has left many with a tremendous void in their lives. Turn on most any religious program and someone will be talking about the latest earthquake, landslide or flood, and how this is a sign that the end of the world is near. Millions of dollars have been spent on the latest "Left Behind" series of books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. This fictional story series covers the events related to the end of time as they see it unfolding from scripture. So what is the problem? Why does this teaching leave a void in people’s lives? Let me explain.
First of all, while it may make for good reading, it is not true to scripture. The message of premillennialism is that the Kingdom of God is not yet established. While that was the intent of Jesus when He came, the rebellion of the Jewish nation prevented it, and the church was substituted until a time in the future when God would give it another try. Now let me ask you, is there anything in that description that caused you to question it’s validity? Have you ever known the will of man to overrule the will of God? Have you ever know God to "try" to do something and not do it?
The Kingdom was preached by John and Jesus as being "at hand", (Matt. 3:2; 4:17). Jesus also said that some of those who heard Him speak would "see" the kingdom come with power, (Mark 9:1; Matt. 16:28; Luke 9:27). Add to this that the New Testament writers spoke of the kingdom as being in existence and that they were apart of it, (Col. 1:13; Heb. 12:28; Rev. 1:9). The nature of this Kingdom was spiritual, not physical, (Luke 17:20-21). Just like the Jewish nation of old, many today are waiting for a physical Kingdom and a physical Christ to reign upon the earth.
This brings me to the second, and maybe the most important reason for my concern about this view of the "End". Jesus is reigning NOW, and we should be too! Someone once called this teaching "The Great Reign Robbery". While millions wait to reign, they could be reigning with Him now.
There is almost an air of doom and gloom over the religious world today. The focus is on all the bad that is happening, how evil is taking over our world. I often hear prayers asking Jesus to come and take us out of all of this. I wonder, have we forgot why He has us here in the first place? But more on that later. Let me ask you, are things really that bad today? Look at what many suffered in Biblical times, (Heb 11:32-40). Note the following.
"Are things getting worse? Would the evidence for deterioration be the hurricanes, earthquakes and tsunamis? That doesn’t work to well. When we ask ourselves ""In which generation since the first century have their been these things?"" the answer comes back ""in all of them"",. The truth is - since Jesus came into the world, brought his word, and established his kingdom, things have improved immensely. Temple prostitution is down. Sacrificing sons and daughters in fire to Chemosh are down. Worship of the mythological God’s is down. The number of people who choose a course of action by cutting open birds and sifting through their guts for direction is down. Slavery is down. Knowledge is up. The availability of God’s word and wisdom is up phenomenally. The number of Christians, and the percentage, is up. Facility of travel is up. Medical advances, communication technology, and material abundance are all way beyond what they were in the first century. And Christians can make the case that Jesus coming into the world has produced most of the freedom and progress leading to these advances." (Terry Hall, "Then The End Will Come).
Because many see the return of Jesus as being imminent, there is an attitude of "what’s the use". "He will be here soon anyway, let Him sort it all out when He comes". With this attitude no long range plans are made, vision is short sighted and limited. You would think it would cause urgency, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
There also seems to be a spirit of timidity when we face the world. We don’t act according to our position. Think with me about this for a minute. If we really believed that Jesus is on the throne, and we are "fellow-heirs with Him" (Rom. 8:17), would that change the way you view your world? How would it change your self image, your self confidence? Would you be more bold? Think for a moment about the change that took place in Peter. He was a disciple of bold claims, but weak follow through. He denied, lied and cursed to keep from being associated with Jesus. But after the Resurrection and the Kingdom came look at him! He speaks boldly for the Lord. Even when beaten and imprisoned, you can’t shut him up. From historical records we learn he died by crucifixion, upside down, the position at his request, because he felt he didn’t deserve to die like his Lord.
I am reminded of Mark 4:35-41 where Mark tells of the time that the disciples were in a boat with Jesus and a fierce storm arose. Here is the picture Mark describes. The disciples are afraid for their lives, and Jesus is sleeping like a baby. Fear, doom and gloom have no place when we are in the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Alexander the Great, one of the greatest military generals who ever lived, conquered almost the entire known world with his vast army. One night during a campaign, he couldn't sleep and left his tent to walk around the campgrounds. As he was walking he came across a soldier asleep on guard duty - a serious offense. The penalty for falling asleep on guard duty was, in some cases, instant death; the commanding officer sometimes poured kerosene on the sleeping soldier and lit it. The soldier began to wake up as Alexander the Great approached him. Recognizing who was standing in front of him, the young man feared for his life. "Do you know what the penalty is for falling asleep on guard duty?" Alexander the Great asked the soldier. "Yes, sir," the soldier responded in a quivering voice. "Soldier, what's your name?" demanded Alexander the Great. "Alexander, sir." Alexander the Great repeated the question: "What is your name?" "My name is Alexander, sir," the soldier repeated. A third time and more loudly Alexander the Great asked, "What is your name?" A third time the soldier meekly said, "My name is Alexander, sir." Alexander the Great then looked the young soldier straight in the eye. "Soldier," he said with intensity, "either change your name or change your conduct."
Nuff said!
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Paul M. Kingery, PhD, MPH
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