"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty, I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Psalm 91:1,2
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty, I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Psalm 91:1,2
Jesus would preach as he did last time. He came to "seek and save the lost". He would waste no time with people that would not follow him completely... "first I must"... "I don't like"...I...I etc.
Lee, I really don't think that Jesus would preach any differently than he did in the past. We aren't any different deep down from any other generation. We have the same concerns, wants, and needs of former ages. He would still talk about the kingdom of God. He would still show us how to meet needs. He would still challenge us about our priorities. He might even give us a parable or two. He might even reprimand us for our lack of faith!
It certainly would be interesting.
Thanks to all for your comments. When I saw this question on another website. It really caught my attention. I agree with those of you who responded that there would not be allot different in the message today from when He first walked among men. While our world has changed drastically, the world’s need is still the same. Pete you are right, seeking and saving the lost would still be a priority. Ben, I can see Him walking into the local tavern and still drawing a crowd. Keith, I too believe He would address our priorities.
I think that one area of concern that He might address would be how we have handled His inspired Word,
the Bible. He would probably challenge us to spend more time reading the parts of scripture that aren’t highlighted or underlined. I think he might also question us on our priorities in how we have allocated and spent the money given for God. You know, that balance between brick and mortal, and the lost. I feel He
also might ask us why the poor frequently visit our benevolent rooms, but not in the worship services.
I know we would see the compassion in His eyes. We would hear the familiar as if it were altogether new. I think that we would also understand the words of the disciples, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us.” (Luke 24:31 NLT)
Great comments. Maybe he would say. I am not going to waste time here. Follow me to the projects and we can talk while we walk.
and just a bit of a stickler I think he said he came to seek and save that which was lost. not the lost.
oh yeah, the reason I came. Thank you for that beautiful quote on my post. Wow. that really fit.
The following comes from a close friend in WV, Melba Dietrick. Barb and I worked with Melba and her husband Don in Germany. Don is an Elder for the church where they worship. Melba had some problems getting logged on and sent her reply by email.
" I think if Jesus came to Central at Martinsburg he would teach the same lessons He left us through the disciples/apostles in the New Testament. Love the Lord first and show that love in loving others; be filled with His teachings and be obedient to them; abstain from evil and the appearance of evil; put others first - before self; be faithful in attending activities of the church and be in constant fellowship with the church family; do good to all men; be ready to teach and lead others to Him; be willing to give of our selves, time, and money and resources to support benevolence and teaching and preaching the gospel. We are to have the mind of Christ. The way to God is through Him, and we know God and know His heart through His revelation in Jesus and the word. Some things have changed since Jesus walked this earth, but humanity has not changed and the same truths apply to us."
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