Here in Middle Tennessee we have been experiencing what I think is called a "Green Winter." Temperatures were in the 50’s -60’s for the whole month of January.
Well this morning we were snapped back into reality as evidenced by the picture to the right. Temperatures are headed down into the 20’s tonight. They say the ground hog saw his shadow in PA, but not around here. Oh well, Spring will be here in a few short week regardless Paxatauny Phil.
Moments after her baptism at the Skiatook, Okla., church three months ago, Miss Oklahoma Jennifer Berry looked at her friend Debbie Kendall and smiled."
Winning Miss America couldn’t be any better than this," Berry told Kendall, a deacon’s wife who for 13 years has served as the traveling companion for Miss Oklahoma winners."
I have never seen anyone so excited in my life," Kendall said. "It was as if she had changed her crown for a halo and was just waiting for her next crown in heaven."
But heaven will have to wait a bit longer. Check out the rest of the story at the Christian Chronicle Online.
Here is a little humor from Cybersalt Digest, especially for the ladies who have had children or plan to in the future.
My niece, pregnant with her second child, was certain she wanted an epidural for pain management during childbirth. Her doctor asked her at which stage of labor she wanted the epidural administered. Her response: "Just meet me in the parking lot when I arrive!"
I was blog surfing the other day and came across a most disturbing notice on a young preachers blog pertaining to his wife.
"___________ lost her battle with the disease of depression. She passed away yesterday afternoon. Our family covets your prayers".
This young lady left not only her husband behind, but also two little daughters, one not a year old yet. My heart just aches beyond measure for these folks. I have had to sit with two families through the years that had experienced the lose of a loved one to depression, and it is so hard.
And last, but for sure not least, tomorrow is a very special day. Tomorrow I will have been married to the former Barbara Joyce Allen for forty-two years.
I can honestly say that if I had it to do all over again, I would pick my BJ again. She has followed me all over the world, gave birth to two very special children, and is a class "A" Nina to our five grand children.
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