Head Knowledge
The overwhelming emphasis of my religious tribe and the restoration movement has been a quest for knowledge of the Holy Scripture. Some how we came to believe that if we could just know enough scripture, that knowing would make us like Jesus. As a young preacher I was impressed with the ability of those notable preachers who came our way and their ability to quote the scripture. Many would just wave the Bible around, but never have to turn to read a passage. They would just quote it from memory.
If you asked a question there was always a scripture to answer it. No if ands or buts, they had an answer. They spoke of the doctrines of error believed by others, and to them the solution was just having the "right" knowledge of the scripture.
Our worship services centered around the sermon. It was the focal point and was given the most time, because of the importance attached to knowing the Word of God. We also taught the Bible in our Sunday Bible Classes, we preached it again on Sunday night and we were back in Bible class on Wednesday. We were also encouraged to study the Word daily. And don’t forget the Bible Bowls, and Bible drills for the little guys. We placed a premium on Head Knowledge.
Now before you decide to string me up, let me say I am not opposed to Bible Knowledge!!! So what is my point? Our emphasis was so much on KNOWING THE WORD, we forgot the DOING OF THE WORD. The example in the life of Jesus was an emphasis on both. Not only were His disciple following to learn the Word of God, they were following to be LIKE the Word of God. Jesus describes His followers as "Salt", "Light". Salt and Light are things we are to BE. Our lifestyle is to be changed by our knowledge.
Becoming like Christ is not just knowing what He knew, it is becoming what He WAS. If we are able to quote the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and we are not going where He went, and doing what He did, what good it that knowledge?
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