Sunday Reflections
Our normal attendance at Madison is around 1800 to 2000 each week. Last Sunday’s attendance was over 3200. No doubt many were there for the Passion Drama, because it was Easter, and as guests of our members. Uncle Phil’s Diner has almost sold out. There are two remaining performances this coming Friday and Saturday. Last Friday and Saturday were sold out and both evenings an extra table was added to accommodate those who had not purchased tickets in advance. Why am I tell you this? Well, I am proud of this group of God’s people. Both the Passion Drama and Uncle Phil’s Diner were designed to tell the Gospel story and reach out to those who do not know the one who has changed our lives and our forever.
We watched Jonas Weathers do a wonderful portrayal of Jesus in the Passion last Sunday, and on Friday night we watched him wail on a Sax and sing 50’s hits like the professional musician* he is. What a contrast!. Let me ask you a question. Could you invasion Jesus playing a Sax and enjoying Himself in a rock and roll band? For some folks that would be a stretch, but for those who really understand His mission - a piece of cake. The humanity of Jesus could be seen in more than his physical make up, it was seen in the places He went and the pure enjoyment He brought to those He touched.
The increase in attendance last Sunday means that a lot of people were touched with the heart and soul of what we are about, that are not normally being reached. Many visitors have also seen Christians having fun, laughing and going a little nuts at Uncle Phil’s Diner. Both views of Jesus and His followers are important.
Barb invited one of her co-workers to Friday’s Uncle Phil’s program. T, I will call her, would not have accepted an invitation to a church service or a Bible study. She had a blast and loved the performance. She had to take a cigarette break, and she also had one lit as soon as she could get outside when the program was over, but she went on and on thanking both of us for inviting her to come.
I am so proud of this family I am apart of. Oh, we are not perfect for sure. We still have so far to go to be where we need to be, but we are moving in the right direction. The next big step in faith is when we become willing to not just ask them to come to us, but when we, like Jesus, are willing to go the them.
"Holy Father make us more like Jesus. Give us hearts that long to go where You would go and touch those You would touch, that they might know Your Son like we do."
* Jonas with a member of Louise Mandrell’s band.
That's so refreshing... not only for someone who doesn't have a church home, but also to someone like me who has been in church for years and years... It's just so great to be real and have a real good time with Jesus Christ.
With the way Christians are portrayed in the media we have allot to over come. Being real is a giant step in the right direction, plus it is liberating!
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