"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty, I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Psalm 91:1,2

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Location: WESTMORELAND, Tennessee, United States

Friday, April 14, 2006

Sunday's Coming

I sing at funerals. Maybe I should say I sing with a group from Madison for funerals. That’s better. Our number varies from six to sometimes like today we had fourteen. Usually we are in the back, and don’t see the faces of the mourners. Today was different. They had us in a room off to the side and as folks left they marched right in front of where we were. There were tears, the loss of a loved one just rips at your gut. Fortunately the deceased was a Christian, and there is hope. But oh it still hurts. As you know today is Good Friday. We remember that Jesus, the one who died on a cross to destroy deaths pain and death itself, was in His tomb on Good Friday. (I kinda think it was Good Thursday, but we will leave that for another time.) We celebrate today because we know the end of the story - Sunday is coming. Those first disciples were not celebrating. They were filled with fear, disillusionment and depression. Their world had come crashing down around them and the one who had come to mean so very much to them was now dead. I thought of those early disciples today as the mourners passed by. But I also thought, it will be OK, Sunday is coming. I can’t wait for Sunday. I know, every Sunday is special, but well this Sunday tops them all. Jim and Barbie have put together another wonderful passion play. The singing will be awesome. The prayers will be filled with power. Also this is the one Sunday all year when there is no Cannan’s Land & Covenant Cove (children’s worship). My grandchildren will be there with us to see the story told again. I love to peek at their faces and watch their expressions. Yep, I can’t wait. Sunday's coming and it is so filled with HOPE!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Sunday... that's today! As usual I'm commenting a few days late!

This morning at church, they announced that a man very dear to the church family died around 6am. His wife said that the sun came up (the Son rose) and he went home. As sad as we all were (this man was quite young and had been battling cancer), there couldn't be a better day to die...

4/16/2006 07:26:00 PM  
Blogger Lee Hodges said...

Wow! That is so powerful.

4/17/2006 07:22:00 AM  

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