The Heart Of A Child
The responses to the Passion Play at yesterdays services have been coming in all day long to our E-mail Group. Of the many I just have to share two that are such a testimony to how important yesterdays program was.
The first is from Kathy Wells and her observations from the back of the auditorium, and the second is Keith Hall's in his own words.
Since there was NO place to sit (praise God), I stood in the back of the auditorium watching the drama and observed a little boy who was no more than two years old watching the drama with his parents from the very back row.
When Jonas (played Christ) came out with the "blood" on him, the little boy kept pointing and loudly declaring "Oh no! Oh No!" Then when Sherri (mother of Jesus) called out to God to "Take me!" the little boy yelled "Take her - take her!
"When Roger (Angel) announced He was alive and Sherri and Leanne (Mary M.) began to cry out "He's alive!" the little boy yelled "He's alive!" and hugged his mamma's neck. The entire time, the boy's parents kept looking at each other with the biggest smiles. These people were visitors because I noticed the Burgundy visitor bag sitting next to their belongings. Can you imagine the impact that had on the parents? They likely went to their Easter dinner and told all their relatives about their son's reaction. And the grandparents will certainly do their fair share to keep the word of mouth going. I thought this was so wonderful. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see these folks again.
From Keith Hall,
Wow! What an Easter Service!! Usually I sit in the back, or even in another room, and do my small technical part during the productions/worship services and I don't allow myself to really become "attached" to what is going on. This is really a defense mechanism that kicks in so that I will stay on task and others may worship, or observe, without distractions. There are times, however, that I do participate in worship as I sing along to the songs and I do get to hear the wonderful Phil-isms twice each Sunday morning.
I must admit that Sunday morning (Easter) I found myself in deep reflection and my eyes began to well up with tears as Jesus was taken off the cross and He was placed on the ground next to Mary. For a brief moment I quit"working" as I found it hard to believe that Jesus died for me. I sighed, returned to my task, and was thankful for that brief encountered that my wonderful Madison family allowed me to experience. WOW.
Thank you Jesus for your unexplainable love! Thank you Father for the ultimate sacrifice for me! Thank you my beloved Madison family for the experience!
God bless you ALL!
wow. just wow.
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