What A Weekend!
What a great weekend! Saturday was Family Reunion time. It was so great to see all of my blood relatives. The food and the fellowship were excellent!
Sunday began with a great Bible Class, followed by a wonderful combined worship service and then we all went to Valley View Camp for the 2006 Family Day. I don’t know how many were their but I would venture a guess that there were well over 1300 if not more. The food tent was filled to overflowing on to the basketball court. Kiddy pools, two of those huge blow up thingies for kids, face painting, dunk tanks, paddle boats, three legged sack races, pie throwing and eating contests…whewww!
The entertainment lived up to our reputation of being, Music City USA. Roger Ferguson’s Mercy Beat Band, later joined by Jonas, of “Uncle Phil’s Diner” Fame, and boy can he play a Sax. By the way Roger has a new CD out. Check out his site. Bluegrass Gospel highlighted by Keith Lancaster, playing guitar, and Eric Bright on the Madelyn. Anthony Lancaster, Keith and Sharon Lancaster’s son played the keyboard and sang for a set. The entertainment was closed by “Through A Glass” Christian Rock band led by Jeremiah Barnes, son of Phil and Kim Barnes, Madison’s Minster.
As we were leaving we ran into my niece Sonja and Lavern Vivio (better known as U-turn-Lavern, traffic reporter for WLAC 1510 Radio in Nashville), who at the top of their lungs sang Happy Birthday to me. Now that was a trip in and of it self.
If you would like to see pictures from the day I have some posted and a few more to come. Just click here!
Both of these events were held at Valley View Camp. Valley View Christian Camp is owned and operated by the Madison Church of Christ. The camp is located in the center of 66 acres of rolling Tennessee hills, just 35 minutes north of Nashville Tennessee and 3 miles off Interstate 65. What a blessing this purchase has been to this church and others churches in our area.
sounds like a great time was had by all, I believe if there were more acivities like this unity in any assembly would be more easly achieved. how could anyone object to such great joy?
So true l.e.
There is already talk of another one in the Fall. The reports have been coming in all day on our church yahoo group about how much everyone enjoyed the day. Young and old alike had a ball.
Cool! Most of my family are SO not Christians that I don't go to family reunions. Too many guns and too much beer. The last time I went I called America's Most Wanted and told them I'd just found everybody. Glad your family is different.
Well to my knowledge I don't have any folks on AMW, but have a couple that know all the local police on a first name basis. Fortunately my Grandmother on this side was a Godly woman that set the pace for the clan. I doubt seriously that I would be a Christian had it not been for the course she set for the family many years ago.
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