One point five Billion hits, that is Billion with a capitol B. Fifty Six million users. Those are recent stats for Local news reports estimated that of these fifty six million users there may be as many as one million predators among them. Recent news specials, like Dateline, have pointed out the danger to many young people from these predators, and warn against communicating with strangers on line and listing too much personal information.
So why am I setting up a web page and blog with the millions on The same reason Jesus ate and spent time with the lost of His day. What a great mission field! I believe in the midst of all that is wrong with MySpace there is an opportunity. I am sure that God is at work there as He is in the rest of the world. I am not excited about the fact that I don’t have control over the advertising on my site. (That is not as much a problem with the blog, and that is really where my emphasis will be.) I am not real comfortable with some of the things you see from time to time just browsing around, but that would not be allot different in our world if we were hanging out with sinners.
So pray for this venture! Ask God to bless this attempt to sharing Jesus with folks that have not come to know Him as Lord. And if you would like to take a peek, click here. Feel free to share enlightening comments there too, just remember we are trying to reach folks that don’t have a background in scripture.
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