Being True To Our Testimony
Consistency of lifestyle with our testimony is critical to influencing our world for Christ. A second challenge is to maintain our testimony while not being directed by the culture in which we live.
I am presently reading Philip D. Denneson’s “Life On The Vine”. His opening chapter deals with the often unseen and subtle influence of culture and how it affects the way we not only understand scripture, but put our own values into practice. It is a great read and I would highly recommend it. Here is a quote
“Developing skills of discernment must become a high priority for the contemporary church, because for good or ill, our day-to-day practices and activities cultivate the character of our lives. Too often we are pledging allegiance to Christ with our lips while engaging in practices that cultivate a quite different set of loyalties, dispositions and convictions. The predictable result is that we keep on insisting that we are fig trees, yet we bear many of the outward attributes of stinging nettle. Is it any wonder that people looking for figs go elsewhere.?” Page 29
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