"Knowing You'll Be There, Makes It Easy Too Go Home"
I wanted to write this before Mother’s Day, but there just didn’t seem to be time. Mom will be gone four years this coming July. The peace I feel today is because of the assurance I have that she went to be with the Lord. It would be pure selfishness to wish here back here on this old earth.
Mom died of brain cancer. Her death came a year after the diagnosis. All of her children and many of her grand children were with her during the last days and hours of her life. We all were able to spend alone time with her and tell her what was on our hearts. Many have to face the death of a loved one without warning. We are thankful we knew she was dieing.
Mom could only speak barely above a whisper. She had had surgery on her vocal cords a number of years ago and I actually forgot what her voice sounded like before the surgery. Soft or loud, it mattered not – it was mom’s voice.
In my younger days mom was very firm and could even be hard at times, but the years mellowed her like fine wine. Her life was hard after my dad died at the young age of forty-eight. There was little or no insurance money, so she had to go back to work after being out of the work force for a long time. It was hard, very hard, but she did it. She did marry again, and while there were many good things about her second mate, there were many things that were not. She never talked to us about it, but we knew all was not well. Toward the end, she talked a lot about seeing our dad again. We buried her beside dad and know it was a great reunion when she got home.
No one can ever take the place of your mom. You only get one and no one will ever be able to fill her shoes. I am so thankful for my mom. I never questioned her love for me. I miss her quite rough whisper when she would say, “I love you”. I also miss that sparkle in her eyes when she would say it too. The words of a Gaither Vocal Band song come to mind as I think of Mom on this Mother’s Day. “Knowing You’ll Be There, Makes It Easy Too Go Home.”
I sure miss her too dad!!! I want a copy of this picture please!!! Love you!!!
It has already been printed and mom I think is bringing it tonight.
I’ve been feeling kind of restless
I’ve been feeling out of place
I can hear a distant singing
A song that I can’t write
And it echoes of what I’m always trying to say
There’s a feeling I can’t capture
It’s always just a prayer away
I want to know the ending
Things hoped for but not seen
But I guess that’s the point of hoping anyway
Of going home, I’ll meet you at the table
Going home, I’ll meet you in the air
And you are never too young to think about it
Oh, I cannot wait to be home
I’m confined by my senses
To really know what you are like
You are more than I can fathom
And more than I can guess
And more than I can see with you in sight
But I have felt you with my spirit
I have felt you fill this room
And this is just an invitation
Just a sample of the whole
And I cannot wait to be going home
Face to face, how can it be?
Face to face, how can it be?
Face to face, how can it be?
Cuz this is just an invitation
Just a sample of the whole
And I cannot wait to be going home
Of course, those lyrics are from (yet another) one of my favorite Sara Groves' songs (to give you something to look forward to on your birthday!)
THANK YOU for sharing the memory of your Mom. It was my grandmother who reared me in the faith as well as much of life since my parents worked long hours. She had other grandkids, but we had a special connection (part of which was due to being the only 2 members of the CoC in our family). She told me when I left for Portugal to not worry about her, and that if anything happened to her she wanted me to stay and finish the work God gave me there. I was so excited to see her after that year and a half... only to find out that she suffered a series of mild strokes (just days before I boarded the plane to come home) and she was never fully herself again. It was torture to have her body but not her mind. I CANNOT WAIT to be reunited with her. I will just overflow...
Thanks Angie for sharing that. I am a Sara Grove fan and have never heard her sing.
When I was much younger I used to hear a few older folks talk about being ready and looking forward to going home. Even though I knew I should feel that same way, it didn't for a long time. I was to tied to this old home down here. Although the thought of leaving loved ones here breaks my heart, I do look forward - without reservation - to going home-- when He is ready.
My antique computer still connected to a phone line could not handle your link to the podcast, but I am at work early and this one did fine. Your words were far, far from a sleeping pill. I too remember Mrs. Colman. She and Don were one of the first "yankie" Christians I remember meeting in my childhood.
When you mentioned the friendship between your dad and mine I thought also of my friendship with your dad. Most of the time friendships are generational, between folks of the same age group, but your dad, I guess, was multi-generational. Barb and I spent alot of time around a kitchen table with your parents, often discussing spiritual matters and trying to solve the problems of the world. Memories. What a warm and comfortable place to visit.
Thanks for your thoughts! Ms Elizabeth is not the only one that is very proud of you.
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