Be Faithful Even If It Means Death
Who or what would you be willing to die for? Family? Friends? Your country? Anything else? Is there a cause you champion and support that would be worthy of your death?
One of the seven churches addressed by Jesus in the Book of Revelation is the church in Smyrna. This group of Christians was suffering and had lost allot as a result of their decision to follow Jesus. The future doesn't look that bright either, Jesus says there is more suffering to come. Prison for some, maybe even death.
"Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life." Rev. 2:10 NIV
When we experience suffering we are seldom given insight as to why, how long and the outcome, but that is not the case here. Jesus spells out the what, the how long, and the why of the suffering this church was about to experience. Maybe we can see an answer to our own questions in the answers given to them.
Prison, beatings even to the point of death - Why? - "to test you." You see the test doesn't come at judgment. We are in the middle of the test today and every day. You just get the results at judgment. But maybe the greater lesson here is that Jesus uses Satan to strengthen His Church! What Satan uses to destroy us, God uses to build us.
How long would they have to endure this? - "ten days". The number ten is a number signifying completeness. In other words the length would be no longer than necessary for the test to serve its purpose. It would not be beyond their ability to deal with. God is in control here - don't forget that.
What would be the result of passing the test or faithfulness? Faithfulness will bring a crown of life. It may come as a result of the suffering, it may come at the end of the journey when the suffering is a distant memory, but come it will. You have the word of God on it!
Even when to all who look on we appear to have lost all, we win. Be faithful, EVEN to the point of death. Folks, this is serious business that we are about. If you doubt that, just ask those Christian in Smyrna.
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