The Dead Sea
The Dead Sea is called dead for a number of good reasons. Nothing lives in it. It contains some of the saltiest water on the face of the earth, almost six times saltier than the ocean. It continually receives waters, mainly from the Jordan river, but the only way water leaves is through evaporation. The Dead Sea is a "Taker", but gives nothing out in return.
The Gospel was "Good News" to those first Christians. The message was that sins could be forgiven, never to be remembered by God any more. A once for all blood sacrifice had been made and when trust was placed in the one whose blood was shed, eternal life awaited in the future and an abundant life could be found here on earth today. That is not just Good News, that is Great News.
Over two thousand years has passed and the message is not being shared in the same enthusiastic way that it was then. In fact, it could be said that those who have this powerful message have become a lot like the Dead Sea. They have taken in the message, appropriated to their personal sinful lives, but the Good News went no further.
John Piper said, "God is calling us to be conduits of his grace, not cul-de-sacs," Let the Nations Be Glad! (2nd edition, Baker, 2003, page 102) Men and woman are no less lost today than then. In fact the need is even greater today if we consider the ratio of those who know the message to those who do not.
Our church buildings have become great store houses of the Good News. The Message is "there" and if we want it, we have to go "there" to get it. Much like the Dead Sea, to get water out of it you have to take it. There are not many outlets to allow the Good News to flow freely.
Jesus said we were to be the "salt of the earth" But salt is useless if it is just gathering in the "Dead Sea", never to touch the world. Maybe I am making to much out of the illustration - maybe not. You be the judge. What do you think?
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