During the mid 70's I was a Bible teacher at the International School of Evangelism in Pontiac, Michigan. Of all the things I have ever done in my life, that was a special highlight. I recently fowarded a copy of Mike Cope's Blog articles concerning the B.I.B.L.E. to the student and staff of ISE. I was a bit surprised by the concern expressed about the articles that I thought were not only powerful, but very right on. There have been a few email exchanges, and because it has been a number of years since I have had contact with these guys, one of my responses gave a bit of an over view of my journey with the Lord that has brought me to where I am today. Because many of you don't know me I thought I might share this one email with you as well. The email I am responding to had referring to our being "written up" a number of time while at the school. Yes we were a little rebellious then too. Also the comment about my hair has to do with the lack there of on the head of the person to whom I am writing. (-:
How well I remember the "witch hunters" . Funny, I can't remember what they were writing us up for come to think about it. Had to be our teaching on Grace. I too am thankful that that mind set is not as powerful today as it was then. Memphis is still a seed bed for negative, but for the most part they are gone. During our time in Hanover Barb and I were really sheltered to a great extent from what was happening in the greater brotherhood. I used to dream that the church would change for the positive as I saw it, but never thought I would see it in my life time. When we moved back to Tennessee I was blown away with the changes I saw. Rubel had in deed passed not only you, he was past me as well. But for the most part what I saw was very positive. The Church wasn't afraid to talk about the Holy Spirit, Grace was a regular open discussion. For the most part they had caught up with me (<: Word only, works salvation had been replaced with a more balanced view of scriptures.
At the same time I had for years wrestled with how to view guys like Chuck Swindoll, Rick Warren etc. I didn't agree with all they said, but boy they were really on track in so many ways. People were coming to love and serve Jesus through them, many time with a deeper commitment than I had seen in the church. It didn't cause me to question what I believed or to even consider changing just because of them. But what it did was make me face the fact that God may be at work in areas that I didn't expect to find Him working. And I guess that is the key, I do believe that He is working through these men, as well as the Mike Copes and Rick Achleys. I have to also come to believe that even when I don't agree with these guys, that doesn't mean they aren't accepted by God in their journey to serve and please Him just like I am with all my faults and short comings.
I just decided that I am going to love and open my arms to anyone who loves Jesus. (Same goes to those who don't, just in a little different way.) If I get a chance to study with them and share what I believe, I will, if I don't we will continue our journey together. I haven't changed how I feel on most doctrinal topics, but I am trying to have the same open mind that I want them to have. I guess I am trying to say that my list of things that would cause me to draw a line of fellowship has gotten a lot shorter as my VERY THICK AND BEAUTIFUL HAIR has gotten gray. (I still remember the beard you grew to take attention away from you missing hair piece) Sorry, I just could not resist.
One thing that has changed in a significant way is my view of unity. What I used to preach and think we should achieve was really not unity, it was uniformity. We have never been united as members of the church of Christ, so I don't know what would be appealing to the denominational world to cause them to want to join with us. IMHP the reason it hasn't worked is that we have been starting from a false premise. Our "blueprint" theology has caused us to splinter over and over again, and it continues today for the same reason. It is also called "pattern" theology. I know God gave a blueprint to Noah, I can read it. I know God gave a blueprint, so to speak, for the Temple, I can read it. I have yet to read the blueprint for the church or for worship for that matter. What I do see and read is what they did as it applied to their time and culture. I see the New Testament more as a preliminary drawing, not a blueprint. Blueprints are final! But they are also very detailed and I have never seen that detail.
I guess the biggest change has come from within. For a lot of years I was on a quest for knowledge of the Scripture. While I still continue that quest, and will until the day I die, my greater quest is now for a deep and abiding relationship with the Father. I agree with A.W. Tozer, "The sacred page is not meant to be the end, but only the means toward the end, which is knowing God Himself."
Well this got a lot longer than I intended. To all of you, Barb and I send our love. Each one of you have touched our lives in very special ways, and we thank God for you. When you talk about those that didn't make the trip, be kind (-: By His Grace,